Below you will find brief updates relating to SkyeLab.
Community Health And Wellness Winter Learning Event hosted by SkyeLab
During the 2nd week of January 2023 we have hosted an informative series of learning events as part of the Community Health and Wellness Winter Learning event organised by the Portree and Braes Community Trust. SkyeLab along with Jans were the venues for the event, we also trailed our first digital technology demonstrator session. There…
SkyeLab – Living Lab
The Vision for SkyeLab is to: ‘Be an internationally renowned Living Lab* specialising in the research, co-design and development of people-centred health and care services with a focus on remote, rural and island communities. The Mission for SkyeLab is: ‘Within 24m of launch, to provide direct benefit to the community of Skye, Raasay, Lochalsh &…